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Saturday, May 5, 2007

Re: study study study...

It's been another day burnt just by reading the notes... Exams exams... Now I'm starting to miss SJ trainings... At least that would mean that it's not in the exam period.

Heard the Kranji Newsletter going to be printed liao, but dunno when it's coming out. Wonder if there'll be any articles featuring me! haha. Maybe I'll be the "cover person", even though the chances are very small.

Well, well. Maybe I can be recruited into the Newsletter Committee!

Oh yes, heard about many other things also, like on 27 May got Fire-fighting and prevention course. Read about it from cadets in other corps; seems fun! I didn't know actually different coloured fire extinguishers are used for different types of fire one!

Somemore I don't know whether we can fight a real fire anot! haha. I wanna go!

Anway, just finished playing audition. Getting a bit bored with it already. I think I need more sleep instead. Look forward to KSJ training - ie end of exams!

1 comment:

Yanrong said...

I know this post is written by who le!I think is the ex csm,Christine Super Model.Hope i am not wrong bcause she gave a lot of clues..hehe..Is there a present for me?