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Thursday, May 3, 2007

Hello Everyone!

Dear all,

This blog is dedicated to all Kranji St John (KSJ) Members and apart from the boring training updates, we'll be bringing you the updates on the interesting events happening around Singapore! Mainly, it's to get you to be more familiar with the world that you are living in!

Well, well... If you're guessing who I am, then I would say.. forget it. You'll never get it!

No la, not the officers, man. I suppose they're too free to do nothing than to write a blog! Cadets... I suppose la. Maybe too busy with school work, so won't be able to update this blog as regularly as I do... So who am I? haha. That's for me to know and for you to find out.

Maybe I should say something related to KSJ to let you believe I'm one of you. haha.

Ok, your boss is what... Sir Derrick something right... Then number two in command is of course our Dear Ms Tan!

Number three... not so sure is who la. Choon Siong something, right...

haha. Ok, and of course there's the cute Kenneth Sir and then got handsome Choon Kiat, Xinyan and Ai Suan and our dear Senior NCOs! haha. dunno why they come back and help then dun go for officer course, very qi guai right...?

Ok, enough about them... For the next five posts, I'll be bringing you pictures of the best foods that I or my friends have personally tasted and rated it as "5-Star".

Certainly worth tasting, I would say.

Well, do keep a lookout for me, cos I'm watching you. haha.

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